At times things do go wrong when you are at work.  This can be an extremely distressing and upsetting time for you and your family.

We can help you by:

  • Talking through the problem with you;
  • Reading through the organisation’s policies and procedures;
  • Helping you put together any documentation you may need;
  • Support you to liaise with your employer to find a solution.

If you are a member of a Union you will be able to speak to a representative for advice and support.

Like most people, at times you will want to do something differently or may want to set some personal goals.

Coaching and mentoring is a supportive and motivating environment that will help you to explore what you want and how you might achieve this.  We can help you by being a sounding board and for you to have the personal space and support you need to grow and develop.  We will assist you in maintaining the motivation and commitment you need to achieve your goals.

Continuous Professional Development enables you to track and record the skills, knowledge and experience that you gain both in work and outside of work.

This helps you to manage your own development on an ongoing basis and identify new opportunities to improve or increase your skills and open up new learning opportunities for you.

We can help you to:

  • Develop your own CPD record;
  • Focus on learning, reflection and reviewing;
  • Set development goals and objectives;
  • Identify formal and informal learning.

We can help you find information, provide advice and guidance to help you make decisions on learning, training and work.

We can help you with:

  • CV’s;
  • Skills health check;
  • Action planning.

Emotional Intelligence is the measurement of your ability to recognise and manage your emotions and the emotions of other people.We can help you to improve your skills in Emotional Intelligence through:

  • Self Awareness;
  • Self Regulation;
  • Motivation;
  • Empathy;
  • Social Skills.

Mindfulness can enable you to change the way you think and feel about your experiences, especially stressful ones.  Mindfulness can increase our ability to manage difficult situations and can be used as a tool to manage our own wellbeing and mental health.

We can help you to practice Mindfulness and put some space between you and your reactions and to break down your responses.